We just arrived at the hotel after eight hours of walking around the city in 40*C heat. My body is almost shutting down on my because of this warmth. I forgot to put on some sunscreen just because I thought the East coast should not be this hot. Right now we are resting our legs in our super-size beds and thinking about take a swim in the hotel pool, not a bad idea…consider how much we have walked today. Because my feet hurt and my whole body is in pain.

The day started at 10AM with a hotel service shuttle to the Withe House. It was pretty cool actually, to see it live I mean. Even now we thought it was hot, we bought some water and ice-cream. After that we started walking towards Lincoln Memorial which at one of the corners in triangle of National Mall. We passed all kinds of Memorials like Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Memorial and National WWII Memorial before we made it to Washington Monument. Then we decided to go to the street of Museums, Constitution Avenue NW, which is the street that goes by National Mall. First we went to American History Museum and it was our paradise because it was cold inside… We walked all the floors and actually learned something of out it. I could count up to ten Presidents of America. Then we went to Natural History Museum but only for a little while. Because we wanted to go the beautiful building we can see from our hotel window, The Capitol! What a huge building, I felt like an ant. By then, our feet was almost gone by pain, we tried to find a cab to our hotel by could not. We decided to walk a looooong way back and went to McDonald’s first for some food.

Tomorrow we need to leave at 3:30AM because our supper shuttle is going to pick us up and drive us back to Dulles airport. We need to catch our flight at 6:50AM to the West coast this time, Los Angeles is calling for us.

Bye bye for now.